Women Ministry
The Deeper Life Women Ministry has been playing a key and supporting role within the Deeper Christian Life Ministry right from inception, focusing on meeting the specific, spiritual, and family needs of women both within the church and the entire world as a whole. Through this ministry, multitudes of women have been saved, restored, sanctified, and Spirit-filled. Many separated families have been re-united and several other family problems resolved through God’s intervention.
Youth Ministry
The Deeper Life Youth Outreach, were champions are raised. We are a faith walking, barrier breaking, mountain moving, goal getting youths.
We aspire to break the bondage of sin in young people of today. Our meetings are built up of praise and worship, good Bible Teaching and a lot of fun.
Children Ministry
The Children Church is an integral part of the adult church. It is established to expose the children to all the provisions of grace, enable them to have the basic Christian experiences and assist them to live victorious Christian life in readiness for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Its programmes and activities are aimed at evangelising, teaching and discipling the children for Jesus; training them up in the way of the Lord and equipping them to win their world for Christ.
Deeper Life Campus Fellowship (DLCF)
The DLCF has a divine mandate and mission to win, build and commission students and staff of institutions of higher learning to be their best for the Master. It is an inter-denominational fellowship, embracing campus Christian who share the same doctrinal belief irrespective of their denominations and affiliations.
Our Objectives are:
- To lead students, academic and non-academic staff and other members of the campus community and the society at large to a personal encounter with the Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ through repentance and faith in the vicarious sacrifice He procured at the Cross of Calvary with His blood
- To lead Christian believers into deeper knowledge and Christian experiences with the Lord Jesus Christ. To acquaint students and staff with the gracious means of living holy, healthy, happy, balanced and fruitful Christian lives in their environment. To get students and staff involved in practically fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
- To acquaint students and staff with basic Bible principles of success, to help them make a habit of succeeding in their academic work, life, career and endeavours.
- Train students and staff to become God approved Christian leaders in the Church universal.